Welcome to FujiEigo!

Hi, welcome to FujiEigo! This website is designed to allow ALTs and English teachers to share and discuss game ideas, unit plans and materials with each other.

The website is still very much under construction and many sections may be unfinished and buggy, and there will probably be some design problems. I will try and improve things but it will be a gradual process!

If you have a chance to check things out, I’m very grateful for any feedback! Questions, issues and ideas are very welcome. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to apply every suggestion or address every issue but I do want to make the site as useful as possible.



3 comments on “Welcome to FujiEigo!

  1. Karin says:
    Hi just wanted to test the comment section but wanted to include some input as well! Also thanks for setting this up! I was wondering if we can include more visuals just for accessibility and people who are more of visual learners?
    1. Paul says:
      Thanks Karin! The goal is to include more visuals, absolutely. I'll look at adding the option to embed pictures to go along with descriptions, and generally more graphics to explain how the website categorises things, etc.!
  2. Trevor says:
    Thanks Paul. Very easy to navigate!! Looking forward to seeing this project take flight and hopefully being a part of it.

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