Teacher Race


A race track is drawn on the board with a start and finish line and 8 spaces in between. The teacher is assigned a magnet and the class is assigned another magnet. Both are places on the starting line. A timer is set and the students repeat until the timer sounds. A die is then rolled first for the teacher. The teacher’s magnet is moved as many spaces as rolled. The die is then rolled for the class, and their magnet is moved as many spaces as rolled. The first magnet to cross the line is the winner!

Similar Games

Quick Race


The class is divided into 3 groups, with flashcards divided evenly and assigned to each group. A ‘starting line’ is drawn on one end of the board and a ‘finish line’ on the other, with 8 spaces between. Each group is assigned a magnet which is placed on the starting line. The students repeat the target English with the teacher until the time is up. The teacher then rolls a dice. Whichever group was assigned the flashcard that was last called moves forward as many spaces as was rolled. The first group to cross the finish lines wins!

Dice Path


Flashcards are placed in a row, and positive and negative numbers are written randomly above each of them (between -3 and +3). A magnet is placed over the first card, as the class’s ‘ohajiki’. Students repeat the teacher as they call out the target English within a time limit. When the timer goes off, the teacher rolls a dice. Whatever number is rolled, the magnet is moved forward that many spaces. Depending on the number that is above the card they land on, points are added to or subtracted from the class’s score. If the number rolled moves the magnet beyond the last card in the row, move back to the first space and continue.

Quick Acchi Muite Hoi!


Students repeat the target English until the timer goes off. The teacher then counts to 3 and everyone looks either up, left, right, or down at once. If a student looks in the same direction that the teacher picked, they lose that round.

Quick X and O


Draw a 3×3 noughts and crosses/tic-tac-toe board. Label each square from A-I. Set the timer for ~30 seconds, and repeat the target English until the time is up. The teacher then picks one of the spaces (referencing the letter in that square) and marks it with an ‘O’. A random student then picks a space, which the teacher marks with an ‘X’. For the second round onwards, toss a coin or roll a dice to see who goes first out of the teacher or students. If either the teacher or the students can get three of their ‘O’ or ‘X’ marks in a row, they win. If there are no spaces left at the end, it’s a draw. 


  • This game will last between 3 and 5 rounds, depending on when one team wins.
  • It’s best for the teacher to not pick the centre space first, as better to give the students a chance to pick it to have an advantage.

Teacher Battle


The students repeat the target English with the teacher until the timer goes off. A dice is then rolled two times, once for the class and once for the teacher. This continues each round and each score is added to that ‘team’s’ total. The ‘team’ with the highest score at the end is the winner.


Alternatively, you could roll the dice once each round, the first round going to the class’s score and the second round to the teachers, and so on. However this way you would need to do an even number of rounds for the game to be ‘fair’.

Similar Games

Quick Lucky Roller


The teacher draws 3 groups on the board – 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6. The students repeat the teacher until the timer goes off, at which point the teacher rolls the dice. If they roll a 1 or a 2, they put a check mark under the 1/2 group, and so on. This continues each round. If the dice roll results in a group that has already been checked in a previous round, it doesn’t count. If all 3 groups can be checked off before the game finishes, the class wins!


It’s useful to draw boxes on the board to show how many rounds are going to be played, and check them off as you finish each round.

Quick Janken


The teacher picks one flashcard as the ‘keyword’. The teacher then points at random cards and models the target English, and the students repeat until the keyword is picked. The class then plays janken with the teacher. If they beat the teacher, a students gets one point. If they lose, they lose one point. If they have the same result, there’s no change. 


The whole class picks rock, scissors or paper when the teacher counts to 3. Make sure to keep the timing consistent!

Boss Game


A flashcard or drawing of a monster is put on the board, with a ‘health bar’. The ‘health bar’ shows the monster’s ‘HP’. The students repeat the teacher until the timer goes off, at which point the teacher rolls the dice. Whatever number is rolled is subtracted from the monster’s ‘HP’. If the monster’s HP goes to 0 before the end of the game, the class wins.


It’s useful to draw boxes on the board to show how many rounds are going to be played, and check them off as you finish each round.

If you play this game for 5 rounds, then you probably want the monster’s HP to be around 17-20 points. If the class gets very lucky and beats the monster before the game is finished, then you can always draw a new monster on the board!

Mt Fuji Climbing Game


Draw Mt Fuji on the board, add lots of markers along the way. The goal is for the students to advance up the mountain and one marker is one space. Use a timer and have the students repeat after the HRT/ALT. When timer goes off, spin the wheel (wheel 6) and allow the hiker to advance up the mountain based on how many spaces the spinner assigns them. For example, if the spinner lands on three, the hiker goes up three spaces. 


You can make two hikers, if you want: one is for teachers and one is for students. The first one to reach the top wins. It adds a level of competition! Round 1, the teacher moves, round 2 the students move. It could also be adapted to a horse race, a car race, tug of war…there are many options. It doesn’t have to be Mt Fuji. Or you could change it each class. 

You could also change the colors of the wheel to just two colors. One for the teachers team, one for students. The PowerPoint game is highly adaptable to suit your needs!