You can use the wheel however you want for different activities. Here are some examples:
“Me too!”
- Everyone starts with 5 points.
- Call out a phrase that the class has been practicing e.g. I like green/I like PE/I can play tennis. Something that they can form their own opinion about. Everyone then repeats the phrase.
- Then, all students who agree with the sentence i.e. They like green/PE etc. Stand up.
- Spin the wheel and all students standing receive the result. You can choose what the treasure chest and skull mean (e.g. +10 points/lose all points)
- Students sit down and repeat with the next sentence.
“Me too! – Writing Edition” (this version is similar and can be geared towards JHS as a main activity.)
Hand out the sentence sheet to each student. Give them 5 minutes to complete the sentence with their own unique answer. You can change the topic of the sentence to whatever you’re studying as long as it can be a unique answer.
- All students start with 5 points.
- Randomly select a student to stand up and share their sentence. E.g. During winter vacation, I tried omikuji.
- All students who also did the same thing during winter vacation stand up. It does not have to be the same as what they’ve written, they just have to have also done that activity.
- Spin the wheel and all students standing receive the points from the wheel.
- Students sit down and a new student is chosen to share.