On the board, each target vocabulary is placed in a horizontal row. The class splits into two groups, and each group makes a line, one on the left side of the board and one on the right.
The first student in each group, starting from the left or right respectively, says each vocabulary on the board and moves towards the opposite side. When they meet the opposing player in the middle, they play janken. The loser goes to the back of their row and the second player in their group starts saying the vocabulary from the beginning until they meet the opposing player once again. This continues until one student reaches the other end of the board. Their team then wins one point.
- This game is very hectic and high-pressure for the students. Also, only two students in the class are playing at any given time. It may be best to split the class into smaller groups.
- It is more manageable to make sure the students say their vocabulary at the same rhythm – i.e. they cannot say the next vocabulary until their partner is ready to move on. This prevents one student from going too fast and not speaking clearly, or another getting stuck and losing out.