
Also known as:

  • Hexagon Game


Each pair of students gets a worksheet that has several hexagons in a grid. Each hexagon has an image that represents a vocabulary word that the students have been studying. The goal is to try and make a complete line from one end to the other.

One player marks their hexagons with circles, and tries to go from the top to the bottom. The other marks with crosses, and tries to go from left to right. Each turn, a student marks their hexagon and asks their partner the question that matches the vocabulary word in that space.

The first player to complete a line wins. Once a student has picked a certain hexagon, their partner cannot pick that same space. Students can ‘block’ their partner’s line by picking a space that interrupts it.


The example worksheet can be printed double-sided, which lets each pair play 3 games. After that, they will either need a new worksheet or to erase their previous spaces to continue playing.

Similar Games


Also known as:

  • 神経衰弱
  • Shinkeisuijaku


The students make groups, and each group gets two sets of the vocabulary cards. All cards are shuffled and placed face down.

Once they have decided an order, the first student turns over a card and says the matching vocabulary or grammar. They do the same with a second card. If the two cards match, they can take the pair and try again. If they don’t, they must turn both cards back over to the face down position and the next player’s turn starts.

Once all the cards are taken, they can be shuffled and played again. The winner is the player with the most cards.


  • This game can be used to practice either just vocabulary or grammar. It can also be used to practice asking and answering questions – the group can ask the player a question who then answers it based on the card they receive.
  • Some students try to shuffle the cards on every turn. While this won’t make the game unplayable, it does defeat the purpose of trying to memorise which card is which, so it’s best to discourage it!

Similar Games

Connect 4


Students make pairs and a Connect 4 worksheet. Each student takes turn in picking a space and saying the associated target English that matches the picture. The first student to get an unbroken line of 4 wins. Students can ‘block’ their partner by picking a space that interrupts their partner’s line.


  • One way to play this game is with either one student drawing circles on their chosen spaces, and the other drawing crosses. If students use pencil, they could erase their marks between each round.
  • Another way is for the students to use ohajiki or small cards to put down on top of their answer. This makes it easier to reset the game between rounds, but logistically it means there would be a lot of materials needed for each student and it may not be practical.



Students are divided into groups and given a whiteboard. The first group chooses a category and value to reveal a question. All groups then write their answer to the question within a given time limit (more time for difficult questions) and hold up their boards. Groups that give a correct answer receive points for that question. Each group then changes their writer and the next group selects a question.


If your class could struggle with the numbers, use simple points like 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 instead of the dollar values. Credit to Johanna Liang for the original template.

Bomb Game

Also known as:

  • Up/Down Game
  • Timer Game


Students each get a small flashcard with one of the target English vocabulary words on it. A timer is set for around 1-2 minutes. The teacher calls out vocabulary randomly and the students repeat them. If the vocabulary that the teacher calls matches the student’s card, they stand up.

If the student is already standing up, and the teacher calls their vocabulary again, they sit back down. Once the timer goes off, students who are sitting down win one point. Students then change their cards, and start the next round.


In later rounds, half the class could start standing up while the other half starts sitting down to make the results more unpredictable.

Similar Games

Shape Zone Ohajiki: Phonics

Also known as:

  • Ohajiki
  • Alarm Game


-Each kid chooses any keyword on the worksheet and places their eraser on that keyword

-Timer starts and students repeat after JTE/ALT (A-a-a-apple for example is how we did it)

-Once the timer ends, the last said keyword right when the timer stopped gets two points; if kids chose a keyword that is in the same column, they get one point; if it is not on the exact keyword or not in the same column, zero points. Each shape on the top corresponds to each column.


Timer should be under one minute

Can do group points together or pair points as well

Similar Games

Phonics: Connect Four


-Between the pair, rock paper scissors and winner goes first

-The first person rolls a dice. The number that they roll corresponds to the column indicated by the dice number

-The first person that rolled the dice can choose any square within that column only and they have to write the letter that applies to the blank. As they write, they should produce the sound and the pair repeats.

-The other person does the same thing. It keeps going until one person gets four squares in a row diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. The winner gets one point and the game resets.


You can make game pieces, but I laminated and used whiteboard markers to cut time on making materials (since I did not have a lot of time).

Can also do three in a row if the board is too small

Who are you?


Each student recieves one sheet of six characters (2 per page) and secretly chooses one character. They then give their partner one hint at a time using “I like…” and the partner guesses which character they are.

Eg. “I like cats.” “Are you Keisuke?” “No. I like bananas.” “Are you Yui?” “Yes, I am.”

The number of guesses determines how many points they receive. Students then find a new partner and choose a different character. Tally up points after the aloted time.


Currently playing this game with JHS1 as they are revieiwing “I like…” in chapter one. Could also be played with 5th/6th ES.

Donut Game

Also known as:

  • Circle game


Students get a deck of cards and place them face down in a circle. They play janken to decide who goes first.

The player turns over one card in the circle and uses that card to say the target English. Then, he/she puts that card face up in the center of the circle. If the card they turned over matches the card turned over on the previous turn, they take all the discarded cards from the center.  Once there are no cards left in the circle, the students count the cards they took. They get one point for each card they have. Then, they shuffle and play again.


  • This game can be done to practice just vocabulary or grammar. It can also be used to practice asking and answering questions – the group can ask the player a question who then answers it based on the card they receive.

Birthday BINGO


Plays like a regular game of bingo. Students find a partner and janken to see who goes first. Use the practiced question format to ask ‘When is your birthday?’ and mark off either the day OR the month on the bingo sheet. E.g.” My birthday is March 27th” students can mark either the “March” box or the “27-31” box.