Quick Zone


The students are split into groups. The first row of students is the first group, the second row is the second group, and so on. Give each group a ‘zone’ on the board, and put one or more flashcard in each zone.

A timer is set for around 20-30 seconds, but kept hidden from the students. The teacher points at one card and says the target English, and the class repeats. They then move to the next card, repeat, and so on. Whichever group’s zone the last called card is in when the timer goes off wins one point. The cards can be shuffled for the next round.

Lucky Roller


The students make groups. Each group gets a dice and each student gets a worksheet. The teacher picks 5 vocabulary words and assigns them numbers from 1-5.

The group asks the first player the target English question. They roll the dice and answer using the vocabulary word that matches the number they rolled. If the student rolls a 6, they can pick any answer from 1-5. The student puts a mark under the number they rolled (or picked, if it was a 6) on their worksheet. The group then askes the next student the question and they do the same thing. For each line they can complete, they get one point.

After a certain amount of time, the teacher can change the vocabulary for each number. 


This game can be done just for an answer without a question, but make sure the students don’t start rushing and not saying the target English!

Similar Games

Quick Lucky Roller


The teacher draws 3 groups on the board – 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6. The students repeat the teacher until the timer goes off, at which point the teacher rolls the dice. If they roll a 1 or a 2, they put a check mark under the 1/2 group, and so on. This continues each round. If the dice roll results in a group that has already been checked in a previous round, it doesn’t count. If all 3 groups can be checked off before the game finishes, the class wins!


It’s useful to draw boxes on the board to show how many rounds are going to be played, and check them off as you finish each round.

Unlucky Number


The students make groups and get a small whiteboard and marker. They pick 3 ‘unlucky’ numbers within the range being practiced and write them on their whiteboard. Every group starts with 5 points. The teacher then sets a timer and the students repeat them within a time limit. When the timer goes off, if they picked the last number called as ‘unlucky’, they lose one point.

For later rounds, the number of ‘unlucky’ numbers the students have to pick can increase. Another option (perhaps for the final round) is for the students to pick unlucky numbers for another group.


This game is designed to practice numbers. It can also be used to practice ordinal numbers, dates, or anything else sequential.

Similar Games

Touch Game


The teacher puts up flashcards on the board, where all the students can see them. The students make groups and put an ohajiki (or eraser, etc.) between them. The teacher calls out the target English and the students repeat. When the teacher touches one of the cards, all the students try to grab their ohajiki. The first student to grab the it wins one point.


  • It’s best to always gesture towards each card as you call it regardless of if you intend to touch it or not, so the students can associate what you’re saying with the flashcard.
  • Make sure to stand to the side of the flashcards when gesturing towards/touching the cards so all of the students can see clearly!
  • Students who grab the ohajiki at the same time should play janken to decide who gets it.

Similar Games

Quick Janken


The teacher picks one flashcard as the ‘keyword’. The teacher then points at random cards and models the target English, and the students repeat until the keyword is picked. The class then plays janken with the teacher. If they beat the teacher, a students gets one point. If they lose, they lose one point. If they have the same result, there’s no change. 


The whole class picks rock, scissors or paper when the teacher counts to 3. Make sure to keep the timing consistent!

Boss Game


A flashcard or drawing of a monster is put on the board, with a ‘health bar’. The ‘health bar’ shows the monster’s ‘HP’. The students repeat the teacher until the timer goes off, at which point the teacher rolls the dice. Whatever number is rolled is subtracted from the monster’s ‘HP’. If the monster’s HP goes to 0 before the end of the game, the class wins.


It’s useful to draw boxes on the board to show how many rounds are going to be played, and check them off as you finish each round.

If you play this game for 5 rounds, then you probably want the monster’s HP to be around 17-20 points. If the class gets very lucky and beats the monster before the game is finished, then you can always draw a new monster on the board!

Lucky Wheel


You can use the wheel however you want for different activities. Here are some examples:

“Me too!”

  • Everyone starts with 5 points.
  • Call out a phrase that the class has been practicing e.g. I like green/I like PE/I can play tennis. Something that they can form their own opinion about. Everyone then repeats the phrase.
  • Then, all students who agree with the sentence i.e. They like green/PE etc. Stand up.
  • Spin the wheel and all students standing receive the result. You can choose what the treasure chest and skull mean (e.g. +10 points/lose all points)
  • Students sit down and repeat with the next sentence.

“Me too! – Writing Edition” (this version is similar and can be geared towards JHS as a main activity.)

Hand out the sentence sheet to each student. Give them 5 minutes to complete the sentence with their own unique answer. You can change the topic of the sentence to whatever you’re studying as long as it can be a unique answer.

  • All students start with 5 points.
  • Randomly select a student to stand up and share their sentence. E.g. During winter vacation, I tried omikuji.
  • All students who also did the same thing during winter vacation stand up. It does not have to be the same as what they’ve written, they just have to have also done that activity.
  • Spin the wheel and all students standing receive the points from the wheel.
  • Students sit down and a new student is chosen to share.

Pointing Game


Split the class in half. Assign group A and B (or whatever is appropriate) and set the timer. When you begin pointing and saying the flashcard, the JTE/HRT will point at the A side. The students will repeat. When you move on to the second flashcard, the JTE/HRT will point at the B side. The students will repeat. This will go on until the timer beeps. Whichever team the JTE/HRT is pointing at when the timer goes off gets one point. Repeat the process. 


You know your students. If they’re going to complain about the winning/losing team, don’t play it. I’ve had a class where the students really went after the teacher for their choices in selecting groups and points. If you think this might cause your teaching partner grief, avoid it. It’s not worth killing the atmosphere for your teaching partner and students!



Put your flashcards on the board. Ask the HRT/JTE to write a number on the board. The goal of our game is to beat that number! Start the timer, begin the process of pointing at the flashcard, saying it and having the students repeat. When the timer beeps, roll the dice and write the number under the 1st flashcard. Continue the process. Between rounds you can point to the numbers under the flashcard, wince/look happy (depending on how well you’re doing) and then point to the HRT/JTE’s. At the end of the game, see who is the winner: the class or the HRT/JTE. 


We have a lesson plan and flashcards – we know how many words the students are going to be using. Before class, quickly do the math. Say there are seven flashcards, the biggest number on the dice is six therefore on an insane lucky streak, the highest possible number is 42. Ask the JTE to choose a number up to 42. If they choose 100, of course that’s impossible. We need to be able to beat them!

If you have time you could print a picture of a trophy, stick a magnet on the back and put it under the JTE’s number. If we win, we can move it to our number.

It doesn’t matter where the timer stops, we’re writing the rolled number in order. So if we’re on the first round but the timer stops on the fifth flashcard, we still write the rolled number under the first flashcard.