Castle Game


STS are in groups and each groups gets a game board and a set of small cards. Each set of small cards should have 1x princess, 1x dragon and 4x nothing cards. On the blackboard, assign 6 target English flashcards a number 1~6. STS shuffle the cards and place them facedown on the game board. 

ALT/JTE sets a timer and calls the target English. STS repeat. When the timer sounds, the last card call indicates a number. Groups turn over the card on their game boards that corresponds to the number of the last called flashcard. If a group turns over the princess card, they get 1 point and shuffle and reset their cards. If a group turns over the dragon card, they do not get any points and must shuffle and reset their cards. If a group turns over the nothing card, nothing happens. No points and no shuffle. 

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Damsel in Distress


Students are in groups. Each group gets a game board, a set of quest cards, a set of small flashcards and a die. Student’s place their ohajiki at the stairs of the castle. The set of small flashcards is shuffled and placed in a pile face down. The quest cards are shuffled and placed face down in the spaces on the game board.

The group asks the first player the question. The first player then rolls the die and moves their ohajiki to the number on the board. They then take the top card from the set of small flashcards and answer the question using the target English. Once the student has said the answer, they turn over the quest card associated to the number they rolled. Each round has certain rules for certain cards:

Round 1: If the quest card is the key, potion, shield or sword, nothing happens. The card remains face up and the next player has their turn. If the quest card is the dragon, all quest cards are shuffled and reset. All players are moved back to the stairs and the game continues. If the quest card is the princess, the player that found the princess gets 1 point. All quest cards are shuffled and reset. Players are moved back to the stairs.

Round 2: In round 2 there are 3 dragon defeating cards. If the potion, shield or sword is found BEFORE the dragon is, then the dragon card has no effect if found. If the dragon is found before the potion, shield or sword, then the quest cards are shuffled and reset. 

Round 3: In round 2 the key must be found BEFORE the princess. Once a player finds the key, any player who finds the princess after gets the point. Once the princess is found, the quest cards are shuffled and reset. Players are moved back to the stairs. The rule about the dragon, shield, potion and sword remains the same as round 2. 

The player at the end of the game with the most points is the winner!


I played this game with my 5 graders for ‘what do you want’ ‘ want~’ and it worked pretty well. We only did the rules for round 1 (but we did 2 rounds of it) but I plan to play it again sometime this year with a rule escalation. 

I have also made a 2nd version of the cards in case you don’t plan to use the key rule (I have replaced the potion card also). I added a ‘nothing’ card in which nothing happens when that card is revealed. There is 2 per set. 

This game was designed for question and answer lessons, but should also work for answer only lessons too.

The Rugby Game


Players: 1v1 or 2v2

Each group receives a game board, a deck of red mini cards and a deck of green mini cards. Students decide who will be the red team and who will be the green team.

The red team starts at the ‘start’ line and green team starts at the ‘goal’ line. Both decks are shuffled and placed face-down in front of each team. The red team’s goal is to make it to the ‘goal’ line while the green team are trying to stop them.

Start a timer for 3-4 minutes.

The red team draws the top card of their deck and places it on the field while repeating the target English on the card. They can place their card anywhere on the starting line. The green team then draws the top card of their deck and places it anywhere on their starting line while repeating the target English.

Players repeat their turns, placing cards on the field. Cards can only be placed either on the starting line or where an arrow from a previously placed card is pointing.

If a team wants to take over an occupied square, both teams play janken. The winner places their card on the space and the loser card is returned to the bottom of the deck.

If the red team reaches the goal line, they receive 6 points and all cards are shuffled into the deck. Play then repeats until the timer ends. If the red team has not made it to the goal line when the timer ends but have placed a card on either the 2 point or 4 point line, they receive that many points. The red team then adds up their total points.

Teams then switch starting positions. Green team is now attempts to score while the red team tries to stop them. A new timer is set for round 2. After the timer ends, both teams compare points to determine the winner.


The images on the cards can be changed to match the target english for the unit. 

Similar Games

Shut the Box


This game can be played 1v1 or 2v2. 

Each group receives a game board, 12 mini cards and two dice. The mini cards are shuffled and placed face-up in the spaces on the game board. Repeating cards are ok if you have less than 12 target English terms. Students then decide which pair will go first.

Team 1 rolls both dice and adds the two numbers together (e.g. 3 + 5 = 8). They then flip as many cards on the board face-down as possible adding up to their total (e.g. 8 = card 5 & 3 or card 7 & 1 or card 4, 3 & 1 etc.) Students repeat the target English for each card as they flip it over. Team 1 then takes a second turn rolling both dice and flipping over cards. Team 1’s round ends when they can no longer flip over any cards. Team 1 then count how many cards they managed to flip over. 

The cards are then shuffled and returned face up on the board. Team 2 roll the dice and take their turns. Once team 2 can no longer flip over any cards, both teams compare how many cards they flipped over and the team with the most cards wins 1 point. Both teams can continue playing until the teacher calls ‘finished.’ Pairs can then shuffle around the room if time allows for more rounds.


  • This game can be played 1v1 but playing 2v2 allows for more peer support. 

    A potential variation is to have one team trying to flip cards face-up while the other team tries to flip cards face-down. That way teams can alternate their turns. Feel free to try any variations to the rules.