Go Fish


The students make groups. Each group gets a deck of cards, and each student is dealt the same number of cards. Remaining cards are left in a deck in the middle. If a student has a pair of the same card, they can take it out of their hand and put it in a separate discard pile.

The player asks any other student in their group if they have a certain card, using the target English. If the student they asked doesn’t have the card, they answer ‘no’ and player must pick up an extra card from the middle deck. If the middle deck is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and used. If that student does have the card, they answer ‘yes’, and give that card to the player. When a player has a matching pair of cards, they can discard it.

The goal is to be the first player with no cards remaining in their hand.


  • It is best that each student starts with an odd number of cards, so no one can instantly win by making pairs.
  • Once a student wins, it is recommended that the game is reset and the students start again. If the remaining students play until everyone has no cards left, those first few who finish will be left out for quite a while.
  • The player can either freely ask any student they like for cards, or they always ask the student next to them in a circle. The former is more difficult to demonstrate but allows for more interesting strategy, the latter is simpler but may make the game less interesting.
  • This game generally requires a lot of cards! Assuming an average class of around 30 students split into 6 groups of 5 students, at minimum you would need around 108 cards (3 starting cards for each student plus 3 in the middle deck). 5 starting cards with 5 in the middle deck would need 180 cards total.

Search Zone


The students make groups. Each group gets a set of vocabulary cards (face down) and they split the cards evenly between themselves. Any cards left over are kept in the middle of the group. The students cannot check what cards they have until the end of the round.

The teacher puts each large card into one of three ‘zones’ on the board. They set a timer and call random vocabulary until time runs out. The students repeat. The ‘zone’ of cards that the last called card is in ‘wins’. The students turn over all of their cards. Each card that matches the winning ‘zone’ is worth one point.

The students then shuffle their cards and split them between themselves for the next round, still face down.


  • When splitting cards between groups, whether there are any left over will depend on the size of the group and the number of vocabulary cards. For example, if there are 9 cards and 3 students in a group, each student will have 3 cards and none will be left over. If there are 9 cards and 4 students, each student will have 2 cards and one will be left over.
  • A ‘left over’ card could be worth one point for every student.

Similar Games

Dice Battle


The students make pairs and get a dice each. The teacher picks a keyword. The students repeat until the keyword is called. Then, the students roll their dice. Whoever gets a higher number wins one point. If both students roll the same number, they both get one point.

Similar Games

Timer Zone


The students make groups. Each group gets a set of vocabulary cards and they split the cards evenly between themselves. Any cards left over are kept in the middle of the group.

The teacher sets a timer and calls random vocabulary until time runs out. The students repeat. The student who has the card that matches the last called vocabulary wins one point.

After a certain number of rounds, the students shuffle and pick new cards.


  • When splitting cards between groups, whether there are any left over will depend on the size of the group and the number of vocabulary cards. For example, if there are 9 cards and 3 students in a group, each student will have 3 cards and none will be left over. If there are 9 cards and 4 students, each student will have 2 cards and one will be left over.
  • A ‘left over’ card could be worth one point for every student.

Similar Games

Present/Past Connect 4


This is the classic game of connect four. There are two team colors, red and blue. It’s up to you how you want to divide the class. You can split the class in 1/2 and within each half make groups or do something different. On the connect four board are present tense verbs such as write, read, sit, teach etc. you choose a team to “answer” and they choose a verb. They then announce the past tense of that verb. If it’s correct, you click on the verb to reveal the answer – you then choose which team claims that spot and choose the color. The goal is for teams to get as many rows of four as they can! 


Don’t use this as is. The vocabulary needs to be chosen for the class and their level/what they’ve studied. It’s easy to edit. You can add other things, too. For example, you can write a Japanese word and the students need to translate it correctly.

Battle for Fujieda


The game plays similar to the standard map game with a few changes. Please refer to the attached pdf for rules and how to prepare the slides.

Heads Up


Students get into pairs and get a set of flashcards, and a timer is set for ~2 minutes. Student A holds the cards to face their pair. Student B asks the question, and A guesses what their own card is using the answer. They get 3 tries before they discard that card face up. If they guess correctly, they get one point, and go to the next flashcard. Students guess until the timer goes off. Pairs then switch and play again.


  • This game hasn’t been tested out yet. If you try it, please let me know how it went!
  • This could also be a good vocab review for a first game or warm up game, where students just guess the word instead of doing the question/answer.
  • The idea is it gets easier to guess the flashcard the more cards they get through, although it may result in students not using the full Q/A.

Example round:

A: *holds card facing away from them*
B: “What do you want?”
A: “I want a….book?”
B: “No! What do you want?”
A: “I want a…game!”
B: “Yes! 1 point.”

Similar Games

Super Castle Wars


This follows the standard pattern for class review games in which the student split into groups, each group member is assigned a letter and is called upon to possibly answer a question following a peer check period. This PowerPoint has groups battling to destroy each other’s castles while repairing their own. You can adjust the rules to suit your needs. You can choose to assign points, add bonus points for having a complete castle, minus points for each castle part that is destroyed. It’s up to you. 



Using the worksheet, the students first draw their ‘battleships’ on the top half of the page. In the grid of squares, they shade out one row of 4, two rows of 3 and one row of 2. These can be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal.

Next, making sure their partner can’t see their worksheet, they make sentences by combining the two parts of the sentences on the left and top axis of the grid. Each combination points to a particular space on the grid. If their answer matches a space taken up by a ‘battleship’ on their partner’s worksheet, their partner says ‘hit’. The student can mark that space on the bottom half of the page with a circle. If their answer matches an unused space, their partner says ‘miss’, and they can mark it with a cross.

The students take turns until all the first player is able to hit all the spaces their partner chose. If you print the worksheet as double-sided, they can draw their battleships in new places and play a second game if time allows.


Students may not know or understand ‘hit’ or ‘miss’, so saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (or anything more appropriate to the target English) may be more appropriate.



Students make a sentence by picking 1 option from 3 different sections, then try to guess their partner’s sentence.

Their partner tells them how many parts (out of 3) they got right.

The students must piece together the sentence by process of elimination – the sooner they guess it correctly, the more points they get. Once both students have finished their sentences they can make a new sentence (either with the same partner or in new pairs).