Block Build

Also known as:

  • Tetris


Draw a 10 block wide by any height square. Pick a random group to answer the question. Show the first card (or ask the question). The group answers with the corresponding sentence/answer. One member from the group picks a random piece out of a box/bag, and places it on the game board. The pieces can’t be suspended in the middle of the board (must follow gravity like Tetris). The group that hits the top line is eliminated, or the game resets. 


  • If groups are eliminated, it would be best as a warmup game with a small game board.
  • I made this for G5 Unit 8, or any unit where there is no question. For Unit 8, I would pull a random building card, and the group would have to use it’s English phrase, and it’s matching activity (*pulls library* – “We have a library,” “You can enjoy reading”)
  • This should also work with simple question/answer, or anything really.
  • There is probably a way to make this into an input/output game.
  • The file should be printed on A3 so the pieces are large enough.

Secret Word


Worksheet instructions:

  • Choose a secret word you want the STS to find. Make it a word they will know. I also recommend doing a noun.
  • Depending on the word, make target English sentences (e.g if the word is ‘tiger’, which has 5 letters, make 5 sentences)
  • Each sentence should have 1 word missing, and in it’s place squares (e.g if the missing word is ‘run’, where ‘run’ would be in the sentence is 3 squares).
  • In 1 space of the squares, either put a star or some other defining feature. This part is important. The star must be in a square of the letter that will spell out the final word (e.g if the secret word is ‘tiger’ and the missing word is ‘run’, the first square for the ‘r’ will have the star/defining feature)
  • At the bottom of your sentences place the number of squares for the secret word (e.g if the word is ‘tiger’, put 5 squares)

Game rules: STS are in groups and each ST gets the above mentioned worksheet. On the blackboard/PowerPoint have the list of words needed for the blank spaces in the sentences. STS work together to put the correct words into the blank squares and then work out the word that the special letters are spelling. 


I have attached the worksheet I made for my class, but sadly I can’t make a template for this as it is dependent on the language of the class. 

Roulette Game


The students make groups and get one set of small flashcards. Each group has the same number of ohajiki (or erasers etc.). Students can put their ohajiki on any of the cards. More than one student can put their ohajiki on the same card if they like.

The teacher sets a timer and calls random vocabulary until time runs out. The students repeat. Each group gets one point for each ohajiki they have on the card that was last called.


In later rounds, the groups start with a certain number of points and lose one point for each ohajiki on the card that is called last.


Teachers: Demonstration, praise students for good communication. Call the target English until the timer goes off.

Students: Place their ohajiki, repeat the teachers, see how many points they win.

Crazy Stories


STS are in groups and each ST is given a worksheet. The worksheet has the target English questions. For example, I did this for reviewing ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ so I had these 6 questions with some spaces below. As a group, STS come up with answers that answer the question. The goal is to write the craziest answers and make the craziest story in the class! At the end of the writing time, have groups present their stories to the class.


If you have spare time, you could also have the class vote on the best story. 

played this with my JHS Grade 2 students and they got really into it. 

This kind of activity also works as a fill in the blank – so give STS set sentences with blank spaces that they have to fill in (again with the idea of making crazy sentences).

Discard Game


Students make groups and get a deck of small cards each. They shuffle the cards face down and put them in the middle of their group. The teacher then calls the target English randomly using the large flashcards, and the students repeat. When the timer goes off, the last card that was called becomes the keyword. Each group then discards the top card from their deck. If the card matches the keyword, they get one point. If it doesn’t match, they can discard another, until they find the keyword card. They get one point per card they discard (including the keyword card).


In later rounds, you could add a new rule that instead of getting one point per additional card they discard, they start with points that equal however many cards they have total, and lose one point per card that is discarded.

Lucky Pyramid


Flashcards are arranged on the board in a pyramid shape – e.g., 4 along the bottom, 3 on the middle and 2 on the top and a ‘winner’ space at the top. Each group picks one card on the bottom row. The students repeat the teacher until time is up. Whichever groups chose the final card that was called out ‘ascend’ to the next row. Whichever groups are the highest at the end win. Any groups that reach the top of the pyramid in the meantime can win one bonus point and reset to the bottom.


Depending on the number of flashcards you have in your set, you may need to exclude some to make a proper pyramid shape. You could also include multiples of the same flashcard if you need to make the pyramid larger.

Card Drop


Students make groups and divide small vocabulary cards between themselves. They repeat the teacher until the timer goes off. If the last called target English matches one of their cards, they can put it down.

After a certain number of rounds, whoever has the least cards wins one point. If more than one student has the least cards, they each win one point. If any student has no cards left, they win five points.


If, for example, there are 9 cards in your set, it’s good to have 3 students each with 3 cards in their hand. Any left over students could be put in groups of two, and the remaining 3 cards in their set can be left aside.



Each group gets a set of cards. Each group splits these cards into two sets – ‘yes’ and ‘no’. They can put as many cards as they like into either set.

The students then repeat the target English with the teacher until the timer runs out. The teacher puts the last called card into their own ‘yes’ or ‘no’ set, depending on what their last answer was. Once all the cards have been sorted into one of the sets, the groups check their own cards. They get one point for each card that is in the same set that the teacher chose.


  • Generally this game works best grammar that has two possible choices, like ‘yes’/’no’ questions, ‘can/can’t, ‘do/don’t’, and so on.
  • Every card doesn’t need to be used in in every round. The teacher could pick, for example, 4 cards that the students need to put into a set then use those. More cards could be added every round.
  • A simple rule change for later rounds could be to have all groups start with as many points as there are cards being used, and they lose a point for each matching card at the end of the round.
  • Another rule escalation could be that the students need to turn their cards face down before putting them in groups, and they can’t reveal what they are until the round is finished.

Superlative and Comparatives Quiz


The class is put into their usual groups (typically 8 groups of 4), with one whiteboard, marker, and eraser. 

The ALT runs the PowerPoint, doing the demo round with the JTE. The ALT reads out the question or task, and the JTE writes their answer on the main blackboard. The ALT declares when time is up, and whiteboards need to be shown. JTE mimics raising their whiteboard, and ALT reads out the answer. 1 point to the JTE. 

Scores are kept on the board, and each question has a time limit, adjusted to the level of the class. The ALT reads out the question as it appears on the projector, and teams work together to write up an acceptable answer. At the end of each question, the ALT and JTE check the answers, and the JTE keeps score on the main blackboard. The whiteboard is then passed to the next student within their group, and the quiz continues. 

Some questions need adjusting in terms of both the question or the time given to answer. Questions that need adjusting are those relating to student numbers, 2023 numbers were used. Different schools can be picked to keep it relevant to the students, or countries for the Big Mac set can be changed. Slide 23 can have the stop hand gesture removed, this was placed to give a bonus point for the student who correctly identifies the country Aoraki Mt Cook is in (New Zealand, mentioned in previous classes). For free answers, sometimes bonus points were given for interesting answers.


Also known as:

  • Uno


The attached file is for one set. Game is played the same as Uno, but using whatever grammar form you want to practice. Students/ALT can choose if they want to have +2 cards stack rule, or any other variations they know. The cards are blank and can be printed out, written on, them laminated and cut. 


  • Most students know the game, and its fairly easy for the group to teach anyone who doesn’t. Wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate though, of course.
  • I had the verbs buy, eat, visit, and see. The students could put down cards of the same verb as well as the number and color. I thought those 4 were fairly versatile, but you can do any. Another option is doing all different verbs and they don’t stack.
  • The attached file is for one set. They are pretty small in order to save on materials, as you’ll have to make multiple sets (I did 6)
  • I recommend using this after they have already studied the grammar, but depending on how difficult it could possibly work the same class. I did this with “I want to go OO” and encouraged them to use Japanese foods, places, etc to reduce the difficulty.
  • Card background made by Paul 😀