Students try to get an unbroken row of 4.
A character guessing game using the phrase "I like..."
Donut Game (Output)
2The donut game (aka circle game) is a fun way to practice vocabs or short phrases in a group.
Bingo game practicing birthdays, months and ordinal numbers.
A game of battleship to practice phonics and sounding out words.
A warm up/cool down activity where students need to find words that start with a particular letter.
Students play a janken game and try to get to their opponent's goal.
Students make pairs and check their cards. If they both have the same card, they get one point each.
A popular class game in which students act as zombies and infect each other with a specific English word. Whichever team infects the most students are the winners.
Students swap a card each turn and try to end the round with a hand of unique cards.