This is a phonics game I tried with JHS G1--it would be just the basic alphabet phonics (single letter); It was not the most successful in terms of production, but maybe a small idea that you can start out with.
A student draws a picture on their whiteboard within a time limit. Their partners guess what it is.
Students make groups and take turns in trying to guess what the hidden picture is.
Students try and guess who the mystery friend is from the answers they give.
Students follow a path through their worksheets based on their partner’s answer.
Students try to guess their partner's number by whether it is 'up' or 'down' from their previous guess.
Students make groups, and try to find how many of a given fruit are in a picture.
Students count up to 3 numbers each in a group and try to avoid saying "21".
Students play janken to 'evolve' and win points.