The Explosion Game is a game primarily designed to help ESL students to practice English. Answer a question and take a card to win points, but the more cards you take, the more chance you have of exploding!
After repeating the target English, the group with the joker card is eliminated each round until only one group remains.
Students make groups and ‘attack’ other group’s cards. The group that beats the most cards wins.
Class or teacher wins points based on number rolled on a dice.
Students race against the teacher.
Lucky Dice (Input)
2Students are awarded points based on their number in a group.
Students pick cards and see how many points they're worth at the end of the round.
Assign points to cards and "battle" -- higher card wins.
Move towards the finish line if your group is picked!
Move along a path of flashcards and win or lose points depending on where you land.