Who are you?


Each student recieves one sheet of six characters (2 per page) and secretly chooses one character. They then give their partner one hint at a time using “I like…” and the partner guesses which character they are.

Eg. “I like cats.” “Are you Keisuke?” “No. I like bananas.” “Are you Yui?” “Yes, I am.”

The number of guesses determines how many points they receive. Students then find a new partner and choose a different character. Tally up points after the aloted time.


Currently playing this game with JHS1 as they are revieiwing “I like…” in chapter one. Could also be played with 5th/6th ES.

Phonics Battleship


Plays like a regular game of battleship. Students mark their four ships on the large grid, keeping them hidden from their partner. They then take turns saying different sound combinations to try and hit their opponents ships. The smaller grid is used to track your calls so you don’t accidentally repeat. Game finishes when one player loses all of their ships. If time runs out, whoever has the least hits is the winner.


Wait until they’ve had some practice with phonics to try this game. I start the activity by reviewing the alphabet and the sounds of each letter. Projecting into to the screen during the demonstration works well with getting the rules across.



Students keep the sheet in their folders to take out whenever we play scattergories for a warm-up activity. The ALT chooses a letter and the students write the letter in the center of the grid. Students then have 5-10min to write a word for each catagory that starts with the chosen letter. I let them use their textbooks/dictionaries to help. For scoring points (if you want to), students share their answers and anyone with a unique answer gets 1 point.

Timer Game variation


See rules for timer game / ohajiki time. The rules are the exact same but students to choose a colour instead of one of the vocab (in this case numbers). If the ordinal number called last is one of the ones in the row they chose then they get a point.

Similar Games

Janken Soccer


Students make pairs and each get game board with a soccer pitch on it, and a ‘soccer ball’ card. They also get a set of cards with the vocabulary on them. They shuffle these and put five on to the game board. First they janken. The loser asks the question. The winner answers. The winner moves their ‘ball’ one space towards their goal.

If one student wins enough times in a row and moves all the way to their partner’s goal, they score one goal (get one point) and the ‘ball’ goes back to the centre, while shuffling a new set of cards onto the board.

After a few minutes, pairs can change.


  • This game can be used to practice vocabulary, grammar and questions and answers.
  • If using the template version, print it at A3 size and the spaces will be the right size for small (roughly 9.2 x 6.5cm) cards to go on top. You can print and use the small ‘soccer ball’ cards, or the students can use an ohajiki or an eraser (or something similar) from their pencil cases.
  • If using the worksheet version, change the images in each section as needed to fit the current lesson’s target English.

Matching Game


Students get one card each. They make pairs, and use them to say the target English. They then switch cards.

If both students have the same card, they win one point each and both get new cards from the teacher.


  • This game can be used to practice vocabulary, grammar and questions and answers.
  • If many students get a match at the same time, a large queue can develop in front of the teacher and slow the game down. It’s also possible to have a few decks of cards at the front of the class where students can take a new card themself as they need.

Typhoon (PowerPoint version)


The students make groups. Each groups take turns to pick a number, which leads to a question. There’s then a certain amount of talking time where the groups can discuss the answer with each other.

After the thinking time is over, the students can volunteer. The class asks the question to the volunteer. Once they get the right answer, they win or lose points, or cause another group to lose points.


  • In the PowerPoint file, click the numbers in the grid to go to each question. Click the icon in the bottom right hand side of the question slide to show the reward. Then, click on the bottom right icon again to return to the question selection slide.
  • When adding your own questions, you can copy the content of the first question slide to keep a consistent format, but please note not to copy the bottom right icon – otherwise every question will link to the same reward!
  • Asking for a single volunteer creates quite a high pressure environment. It may help to have the students make groups. Then, the group can be picked to volunteer together.
  • Alternatively, again in groups, each student can assign themselves a number. Then, after the thinking time, the teacher calls one number and every student who matches that number from each group can volunteer. For example, if the teacher calls ‘2’, every student who is number 2 can volunteer. This means students can’t know who will be picked beforehand, and encourages peer support.

Picture Quiz


The students get a small piece of paper and have 1 minute to draw any fruit, shape, food or animal. They then hide their picture (by covering it with another piece of paper over the top, etc).

Students then make pairs and ask ‘what’s this?’, while revealing a small part of their picture. Their partner guesses. If the guess is wrong, they reveal a little more of the picture and ask again. When their partner guesses correctly, they switch roles and then make new pairs.

If needs be, the student can show the whole picture after a certain number of tries. If their partner doesn’t know what it is at this point, they can tell them the answer.

After a certain amount of time, students get 1 minute to draw a new picture and then start the next round.


It is best to encourage students to draw things that most students will know the English for. However, if their partner guesses by using the Japanese name, it should be acceptable.

Letter Exchange


The students first get a worksheet that has 6 random letters. The students draw the letters in the squares using whatever colour/design they like. When they’re finished, they cut them out.

The students then get a sheet of paper with their name on it written in English, and six letters which were made in the previous lesson (they don’t need to be the ones they made originally). They use the paper to make pairs and ask for letters. If their partner has the letter they asked for, they give it to them.

When they have all the letters to make their name, they can glue them (in the correct order) to their paper.

After class, students can add their own design to the rest of the paper, and glue it to their new name card to use for the next year.


  • It takes the students a long time to draw their letters, so it is best to split the activity into two lessons.
  • If using lower case letters, the first letter of each name is left for the student to draw on their own name card as a capital.
  • When making the worksheets, make sure you have enough letters for each student’s name – certain letters will be much more common than others. One way to do it is to take each student’s name, shuffle the letters and put them all on one worksheet. This worksheet doesn’t need to be given to the student whose name it was, however. If there are more than 6 letters, add those letters onto the next worksheet that has a short name. If there are left over spaces, fill them with common letters so there are some spares.
  • It’s recommended that the name cards are laminated once finished. The letters will often fall off the card throughout the school year otherwise.

Maze Game


Each student gets a worksheet. The worksheet is a 9×9 grid with a vocabulary word in each square. The students make pairs. Starting in the bottom left, they ask each other question based on the vocabulary of the current square.

Their partner can pick either yes or no for their answer. If their partner answers ‘yes…’, the student moves to the space above the one they were on. If they answer ‘no…’, they move to the space to the right.

When they reach the top or right side of the grid, they will win a certain number of points. They then return to the bottom left space and continue.


  • There are multiple versions of the worksheet that have different points in different spaces. This way their partner can’t predict what that answer will mean for their partner’s score.