Shut the Box


This game can be played 1v1 or 2v2. 

Each group receives a game board, 12 mini cards and two dice. The mini cards are shuffled and placed face-up in the spaces on the game board. Repeating cards are ok if you have less than 12 target English terms. Students then decide which pair will go first.

Team 1 rolls both dice and adds the two numbers together (e.g. 3 + 5 = 8). They then flip as many cards on the board face-down as possible adding up to their total (e.g. 8 = card 5 & 3 or card 7 & 1 or card 4, 3 & 1 etc.) Students repeat the target English for each card as they flip it over. Team 1 then takes a second turn rolling both dice and flipping over cards. Team 1’s round ends when they can no longer flip over any cards. Team 1 then count how many cards they managed to flip over. 

The cards are then shuffled and returned face up on the board. Team 2 roll the dice and take their turns. Once team 2 can no longer flip over any cards, both teams compare how many cards they flipped over and the team with the most cards wins 1 point. Both teams can continue playing until the teacher calls ‘finished.’ Pairs can then shuffle around the room if time allows for more rounds.


  • This game can be played 1v1 but playing 2v2 allows for more peer support. 

    A potential variation is to have one team trying to flip cards face-up while the other team tries to flip cards face-down. That way teams can alternate their turns. Feel free to try any variations to the rules.

Pass the Bomb


Each group receives a deck of cards and a bomb token. Each deck contains a mix of target English cards and ONE explosion card.

The deck in shuffled and placed in the center of the group. Students play janken to decide who starts with the bomb token. Each student starts with 5 points. The starting student flips over the top card of the deck and repeats the target English on the card.

The student then passes the bomb token left/right/across depending on the direction of the arrow on the card and the number or places (e.g. 2 left, 3 right etc). The student who receives the bomb token then flips over the next card. If a student flips over the explosion card, the round ends and the student loses one point.

All cards are then shuffled back into the deck and the next round is played. Play continues until the teacher calls ‘finished.’ Students then count how many points they have remaining and the student with the most points left is the winner.


  • The file attached is for the target English “I want to be a~” but can be changed for any other target English. 
  • The first sheet of cards is enough for one group. 
  • You can add more than one explosion card to the deck but the students tend to find it more exciting if there’s only one in the deck.

Similar Games

Joker Game


Playing cards are placed face down on the board, one for each group. Set a timer and call the target English. The students repeat the teacher, and when the timer sounds, all the playing cards are revealed. The group that has the ‘joker’ is out. This continues until only one group is left, who are the winner!


  • The ‘playing cards’ do not need to be actual playing cards. Anything where there is one ‘out’ card will work. For example, every card could be ‘red’ except for one ‘blue’ as the joker.
  • The quickest way to make groups is just have each line of students be a group – this way, no one needs to move their desk or shuffle around.
  • Normally it’s problematic to have groups or players eliminated in a game, as it takes away their motivation. In this case, the whole game should take less than 5 minutes and there is still the interest of who will win or lose. As with all warmup games, it comes down to presentation!

Card Attack


The students make groups. Each group is assigned a vocabulary card and picks which Card Attack card they want to use (from a choice of any random 3 cards). Each group’s chosen card is put on the board, below their vocabulary card.

A group is randomly picked. The class asks the target English question to that group, who then pick another group to attack by giving an answer that uses that group’s assigned vocabulary card.

Depending what card they have, they will do from 1-3 damage. They also do bonus damage, or have their damage reduced based on what type of card they are attacking. Red cards do +1 damage to green cards but -1 damage to blue cards, and so on. Stronger cards do more damage but have less health. Any group that lands the final attack that reduces their opponent’s health to zero or below wins one point. Groups whose card is defeated get to pick a new card.


  • There are three sets of card types, each with a ‘triangle’ of effectiveness. The most simple way to play the game is to first only use one set of cards (for example, red, green and blue), and introduce the other two sets later in the game (or from the second time the game is played onwards, after the students have become familiar with the rules).
  • It is advisable to print out and show the effectiveness charts (see ‘Card Attack Chart.pdf’) and leave them on the board so the students can refer to them while they play.
  • You can either print and cut out the ‘marble’ images (also in the ‘Card Attack Chart.pdf’ file) and put small magnets on them to use as damage counters, or just keep track of everything by drawing marks on the board manually.
  • In this version of the game, the whole class plays together in their groups. In this case, you’ll want to use the full page cards in the latter part of the ‘Card Attack.pdf’ file.
  • This game can also be played within groups (or in pairs) by printing and using the small cards at the beginning of ‘Card Attack.pdf’. It’s recommended that you play this version of the game after the whole class has played together before.
  • While the game may seem rather complicated, many students are familiar with how this type of game generally works! Just make sure to demonstrate that attacks do +1 damage to cards they are strong against, -1 damage to cards they are weak against, and that the team who deals the final blow to a card wins one point.
  • An easy way to ensure a different group is picked randomly each time, while still ensuring that each group gets a turn, is to have use small number cards. Shuffle the deck and pick a card, and the group that matches the card has a turn. Leave that number card out of the deck for subsequent turns, until all groups have been selected at which point all the cards are shuffled back together and used again.

Quick Lucky Dice


The entire class versus the teacher. Assign 3 numbers to the class and 3 to the teacher 1-6 (e.g class = 1,2,3 and teacher = 4,5,6). Set a timer and call the target English. Students repeat the teacher. When the timer sounds, roll a dice. If it lands on one of the three numbers assigned to the class, the class gets 1 point. If it lands on one of the three numbers assigned to the teacher, the teacher gets 1 point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

Teacher Race


A race track is drawn on the board with a start and finish line and 8 spaces in between. The teacher is assigned a magnet and the class is assigned another magnet. Both are places on the starting line. A timer is set and the students repeat until the timer sounds. A die is then rolled first for the teacher. The teacher’s magnet is moved as many spaces as rolled. The die is then rolled for the class, and their magnet is moved as many spaces as rolled. The first magnet to cross the line is the winner!

Similar Games

Timer Dice


STS make groups and get a set of cards. Each group picks 3 cards. At the start, all cards are worth 3 points. The STS repeat the HRT/ALT as they call out the vocabulary until the timer goes off. The HRT/ALT then rolls a dice. The number from the dice becomes how many points the last card that was called is worth. After 6 rounds, the game is finished and the groups see how many points their 3 cards are worth in total.


  • The number of cards each group picks will depend on how many total cards there are in the set. The more cards in total, the more cards the students should pick at the start of the round (a good amount is roughly 50%).
  • The amount of cards picked can change each round to add a sense of development in the game.

Similar Games

Card Battle


  • Students get pairs and a set of cards. Split the cards evenly between them, leaving one out (kept secret!). Students can see their own cards, but are secret from their pair.
  • The teacher gives values 1-9 to each card on the board. Higher cards win, except a 1 will beat a 9.
  • Janken. The winner asks the question, and loser answer with any of their cards. Loser then asks the question, and the winner answers with a card.
  • The card with the higher value wins, and that student gets 1 point.
  • Check points and switch pairs every few minutes.


  • With multiple sets of cards this could be done with a group, although I haven’t tried it.
  • You could do this with just the answer as well.
  • 1 beats 9 so the 9 card isn’t too strong. Feel free to experiment with different values and rules to make it more difficult/strategic. 
  • Inspired by the board game Stratego.

Quick Race


The class is divided into 3 groups, with flashcards divided evenly and assigned to each group. A ‘starting line’ is drawn on one end of the board and a ‘finish line’ on the other, with 8 spaces between. Each group is assigned a magnet which is placed on the starting line. The students repeat the target English with the teacher until the time is up. The teacher then rolls a dice. Whichever group was assigned the flashcard that was last called moves forward as many spaces as was rolled. The first group to cross the finish lines wins!

Dice Path


Flashcards are placed in a row, and positive and negative numbers are written randomly above each of them (between -3 and +3). A magnet is placed over the first card, as the class’s ‘ohajiki’. Students repeat the teacher as they call out the target English within a time limit. When the timer goes off, the teacher rolls a dice. Whatever number is rolled, the magnet is moved forward that many spaces. Depending on the number that is above the card they land on, points are added to or subtracted from the class’s score. If the number rolled moves the magnet beyond the last card in the row, move back to the first space and continue.