Pass the Bomb


Each group receives a deck of cards and a bomb token. Each deck contains a mix of target English cards and ONE explosion card.

The deck in shuffled and placed in the center of the group. Students play janken to decide who starts with the bomb token. Each student starts with 5 points. The starting student flips over the top card of the deck and repeats the target English on the card.

The student then passes the bomb token left/right/across depending on the direction of the arrow on the card and the number or places (e.g. 2 left, 3 right etc). The student who receives the bomb token then flips over the next card. If a student flips over the explosion card, the round ends and the student loses one point.

All cards are then shuffled back into the deck and the next round is played. Play continues until the teacher calls ‘finished.’ Students then count how many points they have remaining and the student with the most points left is the winner.


  • The file attached is for the target English “I want to be a~” but can be changed for any other target English. 
  • The first sheet of cards is enough for one group. 
  • You can add more than one explosion card to the deck but the students tend to find it more exciting if there’s only one in the deck.

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Posted byEthan on April 2, 2024

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