Time Travel Game


Students are in groups and each group is given either a sheet/flashcards with all the vocab or a set of number cards to correspond to the numbers in the game. On each slide insert images corresponding to the target English.

ALT/HRT/JTE sets a timer and goes through the target English on the screen. When the timer has gone off, give STS some time to guess where they think the real image is. They guess by placing an ohajiki on the flashcard that corresponds to the space. After, click the next button to reveal where the real image is.

STS who guessed the correct place get 1 point!

Castle Game


STS are in groups and each groups gets a game board and a set of small cards. Each set of small cards should have 1x princess, 1x dragon and 4x nothing cards. On the blackboard, assign 6 target English flashcards a number 1~6. STS shuffle the cards and place them facedown on the game board. 

ALT/JTE sets a timer and calls the target English. STS repeat. When the timer sounds, the last card call indicates a number. Groups turn over the card on their game boards that corresponds to the number of the last called flashcard. If a group turns over the princess card, they get 1 point and shuffle and reset their cards. If a group turns over the dragon card, they do not get any points and must shuffle and reset their cards. If a group turns over the nothing card, nothing happens. No points and no shuffle. 

Similar Games



Everyone starts the game with 5 points. For each round, students are given a choice of key words. Students repeat each word and then choose one (they can use their name magnets or a set of mini cards on their desk).

When all students have made their selection count down from 3 and click to drop the bowling balls. Anyone who gets ‘bonked’ loses one point. Each new round, students can change their choices. After the final round, check who survived with the most points.

Similar Games

The Money Game


Give each student three random cards. It would be great if they get at least one reverse card. Students stand up and find a partner and practice the grammar structure. They then play “rock, paper, scissors.”

Without showing the cards, the winner picks one from the loser’s hand. There are three scenarios:

  • If the winner picks a money card (100 or 200), the round ends.
  • If the winner picks a reverse card, the loser gets a turn.
  • If both the winner and loser pick two consecutive reverse cards, the round ends.

If a student runs out of cards, they ask the teachers for two more cards. The student with the most money wins the game.


It would be great if each student gets at least one reverse card.

Element Game


Firstly, explain the strengths and weaknesses of each element. Water beats fire, fire beats earth, earth beats water. Air beats water, fire and earth. Pollution beats air, but water, fire and earth can all beat pollution.

Give each student three random element cards. The students stand up and find a partner, then practice the target English. The students then both pick one element card from their hand. Instead of saying “rock, paper, scissors,“ they count down “3..2..1.. Show!” Whoever has the winning card takes their partner’s card.

In case of a tie, both students place their cards somewhere (like on a desk or chair) and continue to the next round until there’s a winner. The winner collects all the cards.

If a student runs out of cards, they ask the teachers for two more cards. The student with the most cards at the end wins the game.


  • Make sure they count down “3…2…1…Show!” or any other chant you would like in English. If not, there is a chance for students to just say “せーの” if the English is not emphasized.
  • Print enough cards so you will have spares for the losing students.

Similar Games

Gacha Basket!


In this team game, students will take turns pantomiming a vocabulary verb for the other members to guess. This game’s purpose is for students to effectively say sentences such as “She can swim” and “They can’t play kendama” on their own.

Put at least as many gacha as there are members in each team. For example, if there are 4 members, there should be four gacha in the basket. Each gacha will have two cards inside: the verb vocabulary card, and the point card. Sandwich these cards together, backside facing outwards, to keep the cards a mystery. Bend the card slightly into a U shape to fit into the gacha. Place the gacha in the container.

Each group gets a set of cards, face down, on their desk to make their sentence. For example if the target English is can/can’t, they would get a set of pronoun cards and modal can/can’t cards.

Player 1 turns over the cards and opens one mystery gacha. They secretly peek at the action verb, then pantomime/gesture it (without saying the word themselves) for the remaining players to guess as a team. For example, if the two cards on their desk are ‘she’ and ‘can’t’, and the gacha card is ‘swim’, player 1 pantomimes someone who CAN’T swim. The correct answer would be “She can’t swim!” The players must say the whole sentence for the game to be effective English practice. If the remaining three players can guess correctly within 3 tries, they will win the number of points within the gacha ball.


  • This game can be played as a group, as a pair, or as a class! When in groups or pairs, the students will work together to accumulate points and compete against all other teams. When this game is played as a class, the class will simply see how many points they can accumulate together, and there will be no opponent. Even without an opponent, it can still be a rewarding game.
  • In a group setting, the members janken to decide the first player to the last. As a pair, two students janken and the winner goes first. As a class, the teacher will volunteer as the first player as an ice breaker, then volunteers can come and participate in the front of the class as they like.
  • Pass out the group point sheet after the game demonstration is performed. If played as a class, points can be recorded on the board instead.
  • The points should not be checked until the end of class both to save time, and to keep the excitement and wonder in the class high.
  • A variation of the rules is the group looks at the gacha card instead, and pantomimes for the current player to guess the correct sentence. This could be decided by what card is drawn on the desk, for example. An example could be if the ‘they’ card is picked, the group pantomimes to the current player, otherwise the current player pantomimes to the group.

Lucky Star Game


Students make groups or pairs. Each group/pair is given the two sets of cards. After shuffling both sets of cards, the students play rock, paper, scissors. A Lucky Star card is picked to indicate the number of stars needed to win the round. The winner picks a card first then the other students choose a card going in clockwise order. In the same order, the students read their cards using the target English without revealing their cards. Once they’ve all finished, they reveal their cards and the card with the matching number of stars is the winner.

Alternatively, you could choose to pick the Lucky Star card after all students have revealed their cards, so it keeps the winner a mystery till the end of the round.


The Lucky Star Game Cards powerpoint can be edited to make your game cards. Then export it as a pdf to print.


Also known as:

  • Uno


The attached file is for one set. Game is played the same as Uno, but using whatever grammar form you want to practice. Students/ALT can choose if they want to have +2 cards stack rule, or any other variations they know. The cards are blank and can be printed out, written on, them laminated and cut. 


  • Most students know the game, and its fairly easy for the group to teach anyone who doesn’t. Wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate though, of course.
  • I had the verbs buy, eat, visit, and see. The students could put down cards of the same verb as well as the number and color. I thought those 4 were fairly versatile, but you can do any. Another option is doing all different verbs and they don’t stack.
  • The attached file is for one set. They are pretty small in order to save on materials, as you’ll have to make multiple sets (I did 6)
  • I recommend using this after they have already studied the grammar, but depending on how difficult it could possibly work the same class. I did this with “I want to go OO” and encouraged them to use Japanese foods, places, etc to reduce the difficulty.
  • Card background made by Paul 😀

Monster Game


Divide the class into groups and assign each group a flashcard on the blackboard. You can either draw or prepare the monsters (I found pictures on Irasutoya and printed + laminated them because you need multiple monsters). 

Place or draw the first monster on the board. Assign the monster health points (I recommend keeping it under or just above 10 so more groups have a chance to win points) and secret points (I used number flashcards and put it face down on the blackboard. The teacher sets a timer and calls the target English. Students repeat the teacher.

When the timer sounds, the last called flashcard indicates the group that gets to attack the monster. Either the teacher or a student volunteer from the group rolls a die. Subtract the number from the monster’s health points. If the monster’s health reaches 0, the monster is defeated. The secret points are revealed and awarded to the group that defeated the monster. The next monster is brought out.

The game continues as such until either all monsters have been defeated or time has run out. Group with the most points at the end of the game is the winning group!

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Level Up Game


Rule 1: Walk to a classmate and do the target English.

Rule 2: If a classmate answers one of your circled answers,  you can move up a level.  

Rule 3: If you don’t have the answer circled, stay at level you are currently positioned.

Rule 4: When you reach the goal level, you collect one point and go back to the start.

Rule 5: The game continues until the teachers decided to stop the game.